People Podcast Balz Marti People Podcast Balz Marti

People Podcast: Psychological Safety with Balz Marti & Daniela Landherr

Our business world is suppressing emotions. Yet, it is working at its best when people show their authentic selves and lead with vulnerability. And this is when Psychological Safety is amplified and what makes human beings unique and powerful.

Listen to the vivid conversation, Balz Marti and Daniela Landherr are having about Psychological Safety and what companies can do to amplify Psychological Safety in their working environment. And much more.

People Podcast Balz Marti People Podcast Balz Marti

People Podcast: Psychological Safety

Ein Schlüsselthema für Innovation, Vielfalt und letztlich Unternehmenserfolg: Zusammen mit Peter Drucker Junior, dem Enkel des legendären Peter Drucker, führt uns Balz Marti mit ebenso relevantem Inhalt wie satirischen Einlagen durch den Podcast, und gerät am Ende gar mit seinem Gesprächspartner in die Haare…unbedingt reinhören und umsetzen!
