DisruptHR, DEI Column Irenka Krone-Germann DisruptHR, DEI Column Irenka Krone-Germann

Augmented Brains Through Job Sharing

Two individuals working efficiently together in job and top sharing equal more than the sum of these two persons. This is Irenka Krone's strong conviction that comes from her own experience in holding an executive position in job and top sharing. Listen to her powerful 5-minutes talk.

DisruptHR Maria Bassi DisruptHR Maria Bassi

Vertrauen & Flexibilität

Den Mut haben, zu vertrauen. In Zeiten von Home-Office ein allgegenwärtiges Thema. Vertraust du deinen Mitarbeitenden hundert Prozent oder kontrollierst du lieber? In ihrem DisruptHR Talk spricht die erfahrene Unternehmerin und Querdenkerin Maria Bassi über Vertrauen zu Mitarbeitenden - ein mehr denn je aktuelles Thema.

DisruptHR Siobhain Smiton DisruptHR Siobhain Smiton

Driving The Change… Driving Me Mad!

Who are we? What are we here to do now? Those are the main questions when it comes to change management, according to Siobhain Smiton. The purpose of an organisation can change based on what the context requires and will likely change in the future given that context changes. Those are some of her thoughtful messages she shares in her 5-Minute talk.


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