Culture, HR Role Lena Schwerzmann Culture, HR Role Lena Schwerzmann

Shift From Functional HR To Product View

Andreas Deck, Head Culture Transformation at SIX, shares his inspiring thoughts about the value of serving others, the purpose and future of HR, the growing awareness of culture as a strategic factor for business success and the rising importance of the human touch in an increasingly digitized world. Enjoy this powerful video!

Culture Lena Schwerzmann Culture Lena Schwerzmann

Purpose Is Key

What kind of workplace do you wish to see - if anything was possible? What are the main drivers for motivation in today’s working world? Sarah Meier & Andreas Deck talk about the future workplace they wish for their children and the growing longing for purpose. This interview is part 4 of a series of videos.

Culture Liza Engel Culture Liza Engel

How Has COVID Changed The Working World?

What will be the long term effects of COVID for the working world? Being stuck at home - is it a disadvantage for women? Liza Engel shares inspiring insights and gives personal advice on how to handle the challenges that come along with the pandemic - focusing also on a woman’s point of view.

Culture Lena Schwerzmann Culture Lena Schwerzmann

Culture Is How Strategy Is Executed

In this video interview with Andreas Deck, Head Culture Transformation at SIX and Sarah Meier, Founder of parents@work, we deep dive into culture: Why it culture growing in awareness and importance? Why is it at the core of competitiveness?

Culture, DisruptHR Maria Bassi Culture, DisruptHR Maria Bassi

Vertrauen & Flexibilität

Den Mut haben, zu vertrauen. In Zeiten von Home-Office ein allgegenwärtiges Thema. Vertraust du deinen Mitarbeitenden hundert Prozent oder kontrollierst du lieber? In ihrem DisruptHR Talk spricht die erfahrene Unternehmerin und Querdenkerin Maria Bassi über Vertrauen zu Mitarbeitenden - ein mehr denn je aktuelles Thema.

Culture, DisruptHR Lena Schwerzmann Culture, DisruptHR Lena Schwerzmann

Mythos Cultural Fit

Ein Plädoyer für mehr Diversität im Team - auch um herausgefordert und kritisiert zu werden und Platz zu machen für mehr Innovation, andere Perspektiven und neuen Ideen. Mirjam Schaffner erklärt wunderbar klar und gelassen, was ein erfolgreiches Team ausmacht und wieso Reibung durchaus Energie generiert.
